K&S Heavy Haulage

K&S Heavy Haulage provides a specialized service in both the management and transportation of overmass, over-dimensional loads Australia wide.

When you engage K&S Heavy Haulage you will be allocated a specific point of contact from our experienced team, they are dedicated to managing your freight and to ensuring that all your specific requirements are met.

K&S Heavy Haulage is not just limited to looking after your transport requirements in fact offer a range of services pertaining to the Mining and Resources sector, including but not limited to storage facilities, crane hire and wharf operations for both import and export of your freight.

Any supporting services such as port logistics and crane hire can be provided and the division can also store plant and equipment at our Hazelmere yard in Perth.

All Heavy Haulage projects are allocated a specific point of contact dedicated to ensuring the successful delivery of your freight.

The division also includes a special projects team who manage more complicated projects utilising the latest project management software and planning tools.


  • Heavy Haulage
  • Over-dimensional Loads
  • Special Projects
  • Equipment Storage
  • Cranes


Phone: (08) 9376 9654
Email: hhreception@ksgroup.com.au

K&S Heavy Haulage has one of the largest company-owned specialist fleets, that provides for heavy haulage and over-dimensional movements of up to 220 tonnes.